Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Exam season

Hey lovelies ☺️
I haven’t written in a while because I have been drowning in a pool of exams lately but I am alive and well. I have realised there’s some things in this world we don’t have control over such as being accepted in to a masters program of my choice but we do have control over the little things such as studying my butt off to get the best marks I possibly can. So that’s what I have been doing lately just studying heaps but I know it’s going to pay off one day and I will be able to contribute to the wellness of humanity like I have always dreamt off. Here is a list of things I do when I’m stressed out cos the Aleena on survival mode is definitely not the same person you see around at social events.
1. Have crazy dreams about me falling off the edge of a cliff?? Only to find out I’m still in my bedroom
2. Give my kittens a crazy amount of hugs and kisses, they probably didn’t ask for all this affection but they are so cute!!
3. Lose a lot of sleep and eat a lot less than normal (uh oh)
4. Grind my teeth at night, I actually woke up a few nights ago with one of my front tooth chipped! Kinda scared tbh I will be grinding all my teeth away by end of Uni studies

I think that’s all for now hehe
Good night my loves xoxo

Saturday, September 1, 2018

10 reasons why

So maybe if I become grateful for the little things in life the bigger problems will solve themselves? Here's a list of 10 things giving me positive vibes right now:
1. Buying online outfits that actually look like the online outfits you ordered and not some paper cut out 
2. Sex is great but have you tried closing 15 tabs right after handing in an assignment?
3. That one little part of a song that 'll get your booty twerking regardless of whether you are in the middle of eating your lunch, serving clients at work or just doing your morning makeup routine 
4. Pulling up the zipper of your dress all in one go with only one hand (magic? I think so)
5. Eating dark chocolate covered roasted almonds 
6. Coming home to food you have been craving for 7 and a half days now 
7. Waking up early on Tuesday morning with a fortnight's worth of pay 
8. Waking up early for work only to realise you don't have work that day. Or just waking up in general is something to be proud of 
9. When you phone holds it's full charge through out a whole 25 hour day 
10. Walking out of the hair salon feeling like you have been immersed in Beyonce's beauty 

Aleena would like to be replicated

Growing an extra arm, an extra brain cell and a few extra days in a week would be a fantastic way to become abit more civil with my uni/ work/ social life balance. For anyone that has known me for long enough knows how completely head over heels passionate I am about my studies. I love the way I can learn about things that help connect the dots in the experiences we are faced with on a daily basis. But unfortunately I don’t think the love is mutual this semester! (Not that it has ever been) So whilst I know growing extra arms or legs is an option the least I can do is put the best effort I can and hope for the best results. P.s. the text books I am carrying to uni these days are helping me grow biceps in places I never knew biceps could grow. Fortunate and unfortunate at the same time right? 

The return of the posts

Aloha! Hello! And Bonjour! I haven’t written in sooo 6x long! My brain cells are fuming and my back is always itching! But here’s my chance to string those brain cells together and scribble them down on a notepad or 2. I have started going yoga and Pilates classes with the funniest human being that I have ever met! (aka my Hinesight manager) I picked it up cos it’s been super cold in Sydney the past few months and picking up my gym gear and walking for 9.5 minutes to my gym is a big ask. So Attending classes right above my work place seemed like a perfect way to grow a six pack in the most convenient way. But to my shock and disbelief Yoga is not just an hour of sitting cross legged and echoing “ummmm” across the room! It’s frkn hard work!